Thursday 25 February 2016

First Shooting - Tom's House

On the 23rd of January I went to the bassist's house (where they practice) and filmed them play Brochures 3 times through focussing on different band members. I also photographed them in their practice room and on a blank background for their social media profile.

I got a lot of footage and will make a full timeline of this shoot, this will allow me to iteratively edit the footage as I still need to shoot the rest of my music video.

Tuesday 16 February 2016

Issues with Shooting

It has become apparent that due to band practice and other unforeseen situations I have been unable to successfully organise a shooting schedule with the band this week. As we have to account for 5 people not doing anything it is an issue. 

EDIT: I have come up with the genius plan to shoot them at practice, with a live performance based video. I need them playing the song I am doing but this would be the ideal place to shoot.