Thursday 21 April 2016

Evaluation Question 4

I have completed Question 4 using a website that allows you to create mindmaps.

Media Product

This is my completed music video for TRASH - Brochures

And this is the website that I completed on Wix


And this is my digipak (CD Cover and Album Art)
This is my back cover. It features a list of songs that are included on the album as this is a common convention of album covers. with the spine to the right of the picture it will fit on the layout of the disc case.
The picture is a montage that I illustrated on Photoshop where i had to remove segments of some pictures and combine them with other pictures to make a cool looking image that fits their style.

Thanks and song lyrics are also conventions of Booklets, However, I put behind them a photo that I took when I was filming them at Outlines and their practice room that creates a cool aesthetic that fits the entire housestyle of the package.
This is the disc. Featuring the band, title of band and the album name. Simple and effective with the white hues clshing with the contrasted darks. This piece of the digipak doesnt require complex montage of images and therefore I believe a simple shot of the band was sufficient.

This is another 2 pages to the booklet that adheres to the somber colour scheme of the entire house style. However, the content of these 2 pages are more informative of legal requirements, social media links and information about the band.
This is the front cover of my album that is a similar image on the rest of my album. I really liked the effect I put onto the combined images of the banned and enjoyed the pale colour scheme with a yellow hue in the center, much like on the poster behind them. The photos are inundated with musical instruments and genuine mise-en-scene of the music industry and live performance. such as: amplifiers, guitars, mics. All of this enhances the authenticity of it.

Evaluation Question 3

I have used Microsoft Powerpoint to answer this question about audience feedback. I then uploaded it to Slideshare, an online medium where people share slide shows for educational purposes, primarily.

Evaluation Question 2

I have written question 2 up on Evernote


Evaluation Question 1

For this question I have used Voki. An animation website that lets animations speak. I made them have a debate to what theories my media product adheres or doesnt adhere to many different media theories.

My first voki

Second voki

Third voki

Final voki

Unfortunately, after using this I realised that Voki actually cuts out after a duration of about 20/30 seconds on each one.I have used Pixton to create a comic strip featuring a conversation with me and some key media theorists.

My comic

Thursday 24 March 2016

Music Video: UPDATE

I have began editing my music video but am struggling with editing the music and video at precisely the same time. Without this synchronisation it will look extremely unprofessional but it is the toughest part of editing music videos that I didn't even think would be an issue.

EDIT: I have watched multiple YouTube videos on tips of editing music videos and after a long time, I've managed to do it.

Monday 14 March 2016

Shooting: Skate Central, Sheffield.

We decided that shooting at Skegness, despite it's desirable features, was not the most ideal place to shoot. So, I asked them if there was a gig they was playing at soon and they invited me to Outlines Festival, in Sheffield where they was to play on a roller rink. This was ideal, a bit quirky, and perfect for my video.

I shot them from start to finish and got a lot of good footage, authentic footage of them gigging and enjoying themselves. I believe when I come to edit this their genuinity will show through.

Overall a change in location was probably a good thing. I am more than happy with the footage I gathered.