Thursday 19 November 2015

Preliminary Project: Beck - Everybody's Gotta Learn Sometime

For my preliminary project for my A2 music video I did Beck's Everybody's Gotta Learn Sometime and I decided to give it a very arty feel with a simplistic performance piece that features a blurry lens, poured water rewinded and close-ups on flowers. A very arty piece that I shot with my friend (who is the main guitarist in the band I am making a music video for) in an attempt to create an illusory, weird, utopia-like film involving nature and blandness. I believe that I achieved my aspirations but was disappointed with the overall music video that I had made, I made a lot of mistakes with editing, planning and with some technology. Therefore, in my music video I will plan a lot more and use a lot more technology I am familiar with and will explore avenues of editing that I am willing to learn to a high standard.

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