Thursday, 19 November 2015

Artist Case Study - TRASH

The group I will be shooting a music video for is a new and young indie band from Chesterfield and are called 'TRASH'.

Through social media 'TRASH' portray themselves very immature, unprofessional and generally messy (supported by their homemade music video called..), they frequently post satirical images and statuses and mock many stereotypes of the teenage generation and their stupidity over social medias.

The image I am referencing is where 2 of their members are posing in front of adult magazines with a creepy smirk and their guitar. This is a typical TRASH social media stunt as they are highlighting their immaturities and their sense of humour. Their teenage boy childishness is juxtaposed with Evan Martin (guitarist) and his excess of facial hair. They frequently use Twitter and Facebook to post funny statuses such as "I wanna be a door" and "selling 30 stone roses tickets £300 each. good price  retweet" that mock many teenagers and their fickleness in music taste.
Through social media and their music videos it is apparent that TRASH don't want to be taken too seriously, despite their songs motifs and mature messages their appearance is that drives them as a satirical band. These pictures together show their closeness, friendship and togetherness as a group and I want to reflect this in my music video by having all of them in it and having film that expresses their close bonds.

TRASH are a young band but have already made a few music videos, one being for their song "Hot Coffee". The video is shot on what seems to be a home video camera, I would like to recreate this authenticity and homeliness parallel with them shooting in a recording studio, the ambience of the montage forces the band and audience a bond and introduces us to what seems as inside jokes with the witty group.

With Evan Martin (Guitarist) picking his nose on camera to Bradley Weston (Drummer) changing the tire on his car, this homemade concoction of touring, recording and FIFA 10 is the reason for such a funny, informative and unique concept of a music video.

Hot Coffee's editing appears that it has been rushed and completed on Windows Movie Maker and I won't be recreating this in mine. With discussions with the band I will be able to create a music video with innovative editing and interesting camera shots whilst being able to showcase my skills whilst complying to TRASH's minimalist approach they love using with their editing, shooting and appearances.

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